UNSC IconHuman-Covenant War Icon
Halo Wars IconHalo Wars 2 Icon

UNSC 火灵号(英文:UNSC Spirit of Fire)是一艘经过改装的凤凰级殖民船,建成于2473年,现任舰长是詹姆斯·卡特上校。火灵号在2531年时的舰载人工智能是赛琳娜,2559年被换为伊莎贝尔

历史[ | ]

Sof logo

UNSC 火灵号舰标

建造[ | ]

UNSC 火灵号由首席工程师布兰登·海因斯肖娜·格拉斯哥海军中将设计[1],于2470年动工建造。[2]2473年1月2日首航。[1]

服役早期[ | ]




人类-星盟战争[ | ]

Halo wars heavy lift launch

UNSC 火灵号向丰饶星投放地面部队

2530年,火灵号的推进器被卸下,换上UNSC 加尔各答号驱逐舰上拆下的强力推进器,使飞船输出功率提升了37%。[8]

2531年2月4日,火灵号加入第三舰队D战斗群,参加丰饶星战役。她接受指派前往调查丰饶星上的星盟活动,并救援UNSC 预言号上的幸存者。在丰饶星的北极地区,火灵号发现了一处正在被星盟发掘的先行者遗迹,后者包含了一份指向阿卡迪亚的地图。[9]

阿卡迪亚星之战[ | ]


HALO WARS- FMV 20100110-21155466



失去联系[ | ]

2534年2月10日[13],UNSC 火灵号被有关机构列入战损名单,全体船员也被集体宣告死亡,这次改动背后的相关信息被列为最高机密,具体原因不为外界所知。[14]官方还为此举行了一场缅怀仪式,不过大部分船员亲属并没有参加这次仪式——因为他们仍然相信自己的亲人依然在世。[15]火灵号失踪后,人类社会中间出现了诸多关于这艘飞船最终命运的猜测:从海军情报办公室的阴谋,到在阿卡迪亚星之战中被毁,船员集体叛逃等等,再到被困于太空等等,各方的理论和说辞都完全不一致。詹姆斯·卡特舰长的妻子玛丽·卡特在一次采访中被问到有关叛逃的猜测,后者恼怒不已,以至于当场对无礼的记者动起手来。[16]

洪魔感染[ | ]




战后[ | ]

人类-星盟战争结束后,UNSC 火灵号和战争中损失的其他舰船的名字被一同刻在了战争纪念碑上。

海军情报局调查[ | ]

2557年6月8日,UNSC 托罗卡多号隐形护卫舰阿波罗火力小组在Korinth Prior星系发现了疑似火灵号的残骸。托罗卡多号人工智能土耳其分析残骸后认为火灵号幸存的可能性只有12%。

搜寻活动[ | ]

2558年,UNSC 无尽号被派往朱尔·穆达玛控制的区域,调查疑似火灵号的踪迹,然而事后遭遇证实这只是丹尼尔·克莱顿为报复泰伦斯·胡德而设下的陷阱。[18]

方舟之战[ | ]


Halo Legendary Crate Series 1 Data Drop 4 Page 1

2559年时UNSC 火灵号的状态

2559年,火灵号神秘地漂流到了位于银河系之外的00特区附近,并捕获到来自00特区上的UNSC信号,从休眠中陆续苏醒的船员们试图重新与UNSC取得联系。There, the crew encountered The Banished, led by the Brute Atriox.[19] The ship provided fire support with Archer Missiles from space to deliver powerful airstrikes, as well as deploying fire bases and troops into combat zones.

在方舟战役期间,Spirit of Fire was engaged by the Enduring Conviction, the Banished Template:Class. Instead of immediately obliterating the UNSC command ship with onboard weaponry, the carrier sent a swarm of Banshees which quickly began to pick the Spirit of Fire apart. Fortunately, a cunning plan involving a Forerunner particle cannon on the Ark's surface allowed Jerome-092 and a Logistics AI, Isabel, to infiltrate the carrier and destroy it. 火灵号受到了轻微损伤,半数甲板炮暂时失能,舰体内外有多处破损和起火点。[20]

之后,UNSC 火灵号依然在和放逐者战斗。

设计[ | ]


推进系统[ | ]

SoF Engines



空间跃迁系统[ | ]

火灵号原本装备了一台OKB Karman 11E 肖-藤川超光速引擎.[1] Though, the slipspace engine would be used as a makeshift bomb to destroy Shield 0459.[21] In order for the ship to traverse slipspace, 4.3 quadrillion calculations of the quantum field would have to be made, per second.[8]

武器[ | ]


  • 3门22B6R电磁轨道加速炮[1]
  • 10门11A2R1舰载线圈炮[1]
  • 24座M42射手导弹发射舱[1]
  • 40门M800堡垒近防炮[1]
  • 甲板炮(22门以上)
  • ATAF导弹发射器

运输[ | ]

UNSC 火灵号内部有轨道传送系统。[22]

驻舰部队[ | ]

士兵[ | ]


载具[ | ]





The D81-LRT Condor was found on the Ark and taken in by the crew of the Spirit of Fire.[27]

升级[ | ]


船员[ | ]


已知船员[ | ]

Captain Cutter and A I Serina


指挥官[ | ]

军官[ | ]

  • 布莱克 - 舰桥船员
  • 格林上尉 - 舰桥船员
  • 艾丽斯·沃尔少校 - 轮机长
  • 奥尼尔 - 医务长
  • G·彼得森 - 通讯官
  • 奥苏利文 - 无人机侦查部门主任

人工智能[ | ]

  • 伊莎贝尔 - 舰载人工智能(2558年)

已知驻舰部队[ | ]

斯巴达战士[ | ]

海军[ | ]

  • Petty Officer Gruss

海军陆战队[ | ]

海军陆战队单位[ | ]
  • Recon Team Echo
  • Recon Team India
  • Fire Team Lima
  • Fire Team November
  • A排
  • B排
  • C排
  • Strike One
  • I连
  • 第9轨道空降突击营
    • Boomerang Company
      • Sunray 1-1
  • Firestorm Battle Group
已知海军陆战队成员[ | ]
  • Major Vaughan
  • Lieutenant Colonel Morgan Kinsano
  • Warrant Officer Quinn
  • Sergeant Allieri
  • Corporal Turpin
  • Lance Corporal Sparks
  • Private D·威尔森
  • Private D·伍德
  • Private Papadakis
  • Private G. R. Scott
  • Bravo 29
  • Victor 397

前驻舰成员[ | ]

  • 约翰·福吉中士 - 于盾世界0459之战阵亡
  • Helena Roman - 于丰饶星战役阵亡
  • Chris - 于丰饶星战役阵亡
  • Sal - 阵亡

其他[ | ]

  • Ellen Anders - 海军情报局首席研究员
  • 露露·赫尔希 - 护士
  • Andrew Prescott - 前轮机长,目前状况不明

前船员[ | ]

  • 塞琳娜 - 舰载人工智能(2531年,自我销毁)
  • 泰伦斯·胡德 - 大副(?-2530年12月)
  • Lieutenant Kwan:遭洪魔感染,被杰罗姆击毙。
  • 维奥莱塔·马尔蒂尼技术军士:遭洪魔感染,被杰罗姆击毙。
历任舰长[ | ]

UNSC 火灵号上陈列有历任舰长的肖像,并标注了他们掌管该舰的事件。[4]

  • 克尔曼(2473年-2484年)
  • 雷可夫(2484年-2491年)
  • 唐纳德(2491年-2499)
  • 约翰逊(2499年-2505年)
  • 罗根(2507年-2513年)
  • 亚历山大(2513年-2520年)

游戏表现[ | ]

光环战争[ | ]

Abilities[ | ]

Universal abilities are available to a UNSC faction in skirmish and multiplayer, regardless of which leader you have selected. Leader-specific abilities are only available if a certain leader is selected. Each leader-specific ability except ODST Drop can be upgraded three times at the Field Armory.

Ability Description Leader
Heal and Repair Slowly restores hit points to all units and buildings within a small radius for a short period of time. It costs 350 resources and has a medium recharge time. Universal
Disruption Bomb Calls in a Shortsword which drops a large bomb that creates a pulsating blue field of energy, disabling enemy leader powers for one minute. It costs 450 resources. Universal
Pelican Transport Calls in a small group of Pelican dropships to quickly transport a group of units to a specific location. It costs 200 resources and does not have a recharge time. Universal
ODST Drop This ability allows you to drop up to ten ODST squads onto the battlefield. This ability requires the ODST Super Unit upgrade and costs 1 population and 100 resources per squad. James Cutter
MAC Blast This ability fires MAC rounds to the surface. Technologies can be researched at the Field Armory to increase the capacity of MAC rounds to up to four per blast. It has a long recharge time. James Cutter
Cryo bomb It calls in a Shortsword to drop a bomb which temporarily freezes units, destroying air units by causing them to drop and shatter and making larger units such as the Scarab weaker to attacks. Ellen Anders
Carpet Bomb It calls in a Shortsword to release a double line of bombs along an axis selected by the player. John Forge

花絮信息[ | ]

  • 火灵号舰标上的拉丁语座右铭是“Exitus Acta Probat”,意为“结果胜于一切”。
  • Early concept art of Halo Wars suggests that a cat lived aboard the ship.
  • Prior to Halo Wars, the crew of Template:UNSCShip held the distinction of being the first UNSC forces to come into contact with the Flood. In fact, Spirit of Fire encountered them twenty-one years earlier, but was unable to return to UNSC territory to inform the rest of humanity about the threat.
  • UNSC Spirit of Fire was the first known ship to collide with a Covenant destroyer. The second and third were UNSC 伊洛魁号 and UNSC 晴天号 during the battle at Sigma Octanus IV.

图片册[ | ]

概念图[ | ]

渲染图[ | ]

舰体外部[ | ]

舰体内部[ | ]

其他[ | ]

登场作品[ | ]

  • 光环战争(首次登场)
    • 光环战争:创世纪
    • I have a bridge to look after here.
    • Spirit of Bloody Fire. Cutter. Bloody hell. (提及)
    • Sit down and strap in.
    • I kissed a boy once.
    • Attacks
  • 哈尔西博士个人日志(Mentioned only)
  • 光环:恶化
  • Halo: Hunters in the Dark(提及)
  • 光环5:守护者(提及)
  • Halo: Tales from Slipspace
    • Something Has Happened>
  • 光环战争2

参考资料[ | ]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 光环:战争舰队:第48-49页。
  2. Halo Mythos: A Guide to the Story of Halo - Pages 70 & 71
  3. 光环战争:创世纪:第8页。
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 光环战争:第11关。
  5. Graeme Devine - Spirit of Fire - Sal
  6. Halo Wars - Collectible: Halo Wars Timeline, 20 July 2520
  7. Halo Wars - Collectible: Halo Wars Timeline, 1 Sept 2520
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 光环战争:创世纪: 第9页
  9. 光环战争:第1关至第3关。
  10. 光环战争:第4关至第7关。
  11. 光环战争:第8关至第15关。
  12. 光环战争:可解锁内容 - 光环战争时间线2531年3月1日
  13. 光环百科,第71页。
  14. 光晕百科: 第71页。
  15. Halo Wars - Collectible: Halo Wars Timeline, 10 Feb 2534
  16. Graeme Devine - Spirit of Fire: Mystery of the Spirit of Fire
  17. 17.0 17.1 Halo: Tales from Slipspace - Something Has Happened
  18. Halo: Escalation Issue 6
  19. Halo Wars 2 - Level: The Signal
  20. Halo Wars 2 - Levels: Hold the Line & Under the Dark
  21. Halo Wars - Level: Escape
  22. Halo Wars 2 - Level: The Signal
  23. Halo Wars 2 - Collectible: Phoenix Logs - UNSC Units - Jackrabbit
  24. Halo Wars 2 - Collectible: Phoenix Logs - UNSC Units - Kodiak
  25. Halo Wars 2 - Collectible: Phoenix Logs - UNSC Units - Nightingale
  26. Halo Waypoint: Community Update - Folks Need Heroes
  27. Halo Wars 2 - Collectible: Phoenix Logs - UNSC Units - Condor Dropship
  28. Halo Waypoint: Canon Fodder - THE ART OF WAR(S)
  29. Halo Wars 2 - Collectible: Phoenix Logs - UNSC Units - Condor Gunship
  30. Halo Wars 2 - Collectible: Phoenix Logs - UNSC Units - Scorpion